Opera's Configuration File Explained for Mini/en

提供: Opera Wiki
移動: 案内, 検索
Languages Language: 日本語  • English

This document attempts to explain settings in opera:config based on Opera Mini 5 beta.

Entry Description
Large placeholders for images Should the colored placeholder rectangles for images (used when not loading images) keep the original image size?
Fit text to screen If disabled, text will no longer be fit to your phone screen, making it much harder to read.
Loading timeout If a webserver does not send any data in this many seconds, the loading will be aborted.
Site patches Enables site patches made by Opera.
Site patches and user-agent masking Enables site patches and user-agent masking.
Keep styling in RSS feeds If enabled, most CSS/HTML styling will be kept in feed articles.
Show feedindex Show a list of pagefeeds at the top of the page
Fold linklists Should the transcoder proxy try to detect long lists of links in mobile view, and if one is found, fold it into a single line that can be expanded?
Phonenumber detection Should text that looks like phone numbers be converted to phonenumber links?
Minimum phone number length If telephone number detection is enabled, a number will need to be at least this long to be considered to be a phone number
Use bitmap fonts for complex scripts If enabled, text written with complex scripts will be rendered on the server instead of in your device.
